Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Action Research: A PROCESS

Action research involves a process of reflection on practices, studying similar routines, and performing “action” that will result in a positive change as a result of the initial reflection.  In other words, administrators see an area of need in their own performance or building and undertake a period of reflection, review of the literature and analysis of the issues to improve the area of need by taking action.  This process can seem tedious and overwhelming; however, when performed correctly the process can help administrators find viable working solutions to everyday problems that otherwise would consume valuable time and resources. 

Obviously, action research can serve as a vitally important part of the professional development of an education leader.  Administrators need a means of reflection as an ongoing process of improvement and development.  Action research or “administrator inquiry” can serve as a vehicle for both.  Personally, I plan to use action research in this manner to continue to improve practices in the building where I am employed.  I think that this process of reflection, review, analysis, and action will become my primary means of improving systems and teacher processes in my building.

I am excited to engage in an action research project that involves studying teacher practices to increase the academic achievement of certain student groups.


  1. I love that you said "positive change" I feel that when people hear the word research and data they always think of it as a negative. That is clearly not the case. As educators we should be open to change and look at it positively

  2. I like your definition of action research. I do agree the process is tedious, but if done correctly is very beneficial. Everyone needs to "reflect" on their own work and identify needs of improvement. Like you, I will also use action research to become a successful administrator.

  3. Professional development is one of the best places to use action research. If we cannot reflect on what we do and improve we are just sitting still and in turn so are our students. I too appreciate your definition of action research and look forward to more from your blog.

  4. I agree that action research will be overwhelming. However, it seems like it is a great way to shape and reform educational settings in a school. Also, it seems like it is a way great way to make collaborative decisions.

  5. Great way of wording the definition for action research. Administrator/teacher inquiry sounds a little less intimidating than "action research". I agree that this process is an awesome approach to reflecting, collaborative decision making and putting a plan into action for positive changes to take place.
