Friday, July 26, 2013

Ah ha!!!!!!

I truly had an aha moment this week.  I was looking for action research topics in all the wrong places and really just wanted to come up with something feasible.  I was desperate and had no clue what I was doing.  Then, in one small part of the lesson, I began to see a path.  In his interview, Dr. Kirk Lewis talked about being practical and finding topics that are useful on the campus (Lewis, n.d).  From that moment, my ideas started to flow. 

The idea of action research seems tedious still.  Yet, I can see that there are so many benefits to this practice.  I find myself wishing I could engage in inquiry on every idea that comes in my head.  I know that this is impossible, but in a perfect world it would be beneficial to spend time really addressing all of the wondering that we have. 

I am starting to look for literature that relate to my ideas and can’t wait to get back on campus to really start the process.  I envision many long days and sleepless nights ahead.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Educational Leaders and Blogging

Blogging is the newest fad in technology that is being utilized by people in every profession imaginable for a multitude of reasons.  Blogging can be used to share information with a group of peers to get fresh opinions and ideas from people who may have experienced something similar.  In addition, blogging can be used as a means of daily, weekly, quarterly and yearly reflection.  Finally, blogging can be used to build a community of professionals in any arena who are able to communicate through comments.



Action Research: A PROCESS

Action research involves a process of reflection on practices, studying similar routines, and performing “action” that will result in a positive change as a result of the initial reflection.  In other words, administrators see an area of need in their own performance or building and undertake a period of reflection, review of the literature and analysis of the issues to improve the area of need by taking action.  This process can seem tedious and overwhelming; however, when performed correctly the process can help administrators find viable working solutions to everyday problems that otherwise would consume valuable time and resources. 

Obviously, action research can serve as a vitally important part of the professional development of an education leader.  Administrators need a means of reflection as an ongoing process of improvement and development.  Action research or “administrator inquiry” can serve as a vehicle for both.  Personally, I plan to use action research in this manner to continue to improve practices in the building where I am employed.  I think that this process of reflection, review, analysis, and action will become my primary means of improving systems and teacher processes in my building.

I am excited to engage in an action research project that involves studying teacher practices to increase the academic achievement of certain student groups.