Friday, July 26, 2013

Ah ha!!!!!!

I truly had an aha moment this week.  I was looking for action research topics in all the wrong places and really just wanted to come up with something feasible.  I was desperate and had no clue what I was doing.  Then, in one small part of the lesson, I began to see a path.  In his interview, Dr. Kirk Lewis talked about being practical and finding topics that are useful on the campus (Lewis, n.d).  From that moment, my ideas started to flow. 

The idea of action research seems tedious still.  Yet, I can see that there are so many benefits to this practice.  I find myself wishing I could engage in inquiry on every idea that comes in my head.  I know that this is impossible, but in a perfect world it would be beneficial to spend time really addressing all of the wondering that we have. 

I am starting to look for literature that relate to my ideas and can’t wait to get back on campus to really start the process.  I envision many long days and sleepless nights ahead.


  1. You hooked me! What is it> I feel the same way you do. I just had no idea what to do. I started thinking about my school and what needed to be improved. Last year I taught at-risk and this year I will be in 4th grade. The topic for my research is based around the school's need (and the district's and the state's need) to increase student success in 4th grade writing. But I found my path just like. Find something that is practical and useful to my campus. Good luck with your project!!

  2. Thanks Leigh Ann. I really am excited about this project.
